As the rain fell long into the night,
Could not but think of another spring night,
A first date and music and singing.
Of lacing up your petite feet into your skates.
And gliding across the floor holding your hand, it was paradise.
And later walking and talking, hand in hand together.
Your lips a scarlet thread and your words
More comely than ever I heard.
And at your door I stood mesmerized
Looking into your sea blue eyes, doves' eyes.
And then our first kiss.
You ravished my heart that night!
But why over the years have I so often forgotten?
O my dove, my love, my bride, and my life.
Happy Birthday my fair one.
“For behold, the winter is past, The rain is over, it is gone:
The flowers appear on the earth; The time of singing is come,
And the voice of the turtle-dove is heard in our land” (Song 2:11-12).